Activities of the Foundation

The Cro Foundation will accomplish its mission of celebrating and memorializing the life of Ryan Crochunis through fundraising and impactful donations to the local Sykesville community. Each year, The Cro Foundation board will determine the focus of their efforts in alignment of their mission.

Michael Ellis Michael Ellis

2023/2024 Initiative

Purchase and installation of an electronic baseball scoreboard to Sykesville Baseball.

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Michael Ellis Michael Ellis

2024 Initiative

Contribute funds to Liberty High School for the creation of two scholarships for graduates in the Class of 2024.

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Michael Ellis Michael Ellis


Reinforcing the importance of safety when engaging in high-risk activities.

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Follow along with our project status tracker to learn what phase each initiative is in!

On Deck
Initiative Coming Soon

In Play
Work Started

Bases Loaded
Funding Complete

In Scoring Position
Funding Underway

Grand Slam
Initiative Complete

As the foundation continues to grow, there will be many ways in which you can get involved. For now, we hope you will consider a donation in support of the 2023/2024 initiatives and check back for more opportunities to support the legacy of Ryan!