About Ryan

Ryan Crochunis was born on June 2, 2006, and if his birth was any indication, we got a clear taste of how excited Ryan was to be here. He was so eager to join the world that he was born at 28 weeks, nearly three months early! He spent most of his first summer in the NICU at Mercy Hospital in Baltimore before he was able to come home to be with us.

From there, his personality continued to grow and develop into a vibrant young boy. He enjoyed being outdoors and fishing, loved playing with his trucks and anything superhero, and we quickly learned how much he loved sports.

At age 7, Ryan began playing baseball, which was by far his favorite, although it can be said that he was equally a Ravens football fan just as much as he was a Baltimore Orioles fan. As he continued to grow up, Ryan spent his time playing in both recreational and travel leagues, including the Sykesville spring and fall leagues. In fact, he loved baseball so much that even on his “days off,” he could be found umpiring at little league games in support of Sykesville baseball.

When he wasn’t playing baseball, he enjoyed spending time with his family and friends, listening to his favorite band (Metallica), telling jokes and generally smiling all the time. He looked forward to our annual OBX beach trips each summer, he enjoyed video gaming with his brother, Sean, and spending time with his dog, Roxy. And he loved hanging out with his friends on ski club trips at school. Not long before he passed, he obtained his learner’s permit and was excited to get out on the road.

Ryan was many things to many people - a son, a brother, a grandson, a baseball player and teammate, a friend and student, a Sykesville community member, a Roy Rogers employee, and more.

To those who knew him, we hope you find comfort in the memories you have and the initiatives of this foundation to keep his legacy alive. And to those who didn’t know Ryan, we hope this foundation can share even a small insight into who he was and the profound impact he had on those around him.